What is the Administrators’ Inclusive Mindset Survey?

The AIMS is a free customizable surveying tool designed for school administrators to gather information on the current mindsets and knowledge of supporting students with learning differences and cultivating an inclusive school community. The AIMS survey is organized into the following six domains:

  1. Creating Inclusive Mindsets
  2. Knowledge of Learning Differences
  3. Support for Inclusive Practices
  4. Intention to Teach Inclusively
  5. Value of Inclusive Opportunities
  6. Community and Value of Inclusive Mindset

In addition to the surveying tool, AIMS includes a curated resource library to provide adminstrators with resources aligned to each of the six domains outlined above. This tool helps school leaders understand the needs and experiences of students with learning differences and disabilities, as well as their teachers’ mindsets and comfort levels regarding inclusion.

Why use the AIMS in your school?

School leaders are facing challenges in adequately serving students with learning differences and disabilities, often leaving marginalized students and their families to navigate the complexities of the educational system on their own. The AIMS empowers school leaders with information to make informed decisions, fostering inclusive environments. AIMS is addressing this issue by fostering a mindset shift among school leaders, teachers, and students. The first step in improving outcomes for students with learning differences is to gather accurate data on where the teaching staff is in their own mindsets and skill sets in supporting these students.

How was the AIMS developed?

The AIMS was developed in 2023 through a collaboration between Changing Perspectives, The RILEY Project, and Council for Chief State School Officers. The leadership team consulted with a variety of stakeholders within the field of inclusive education and learning differences to design a series of tools that are now available for free through the AIMS. Funding for this project was made possible through the Educating All Learners Alliance.